Message from the President

"L & rsquo; Association & quot; Article 3" It was founded with one simple purpose: to give to subjects capable of improvingthe life of our community & agrave;, insights on topics particularly felt or loved ones to ordinary citizens and moments of confrontation with the & rsquo; public opinion on important decisions to be taken in the name and on behalf of the community & agrave; itself".antonella Allegrino

We started this process prepared to make available commitment and ideas and get started early as we found it was a living and dynamic dimension that responded immediately to our requests, offering attention and a valuable partnership as welcome. This feedback so positive today commits us to continue with even more determination, perché, perhaps, women and men of our land are moments like those that until now we fielded.The comparison, both involving institutions, stakeholders, associations, whether it takes place among ordinary citizens, adds, however, and leads to a reflection in pi & ugrave; on its work, on their own ideas, on the goodness & agrave; actions and projects, especially those directed to the community.The biggest hope I can do as president is that the spirit of Article 3 of our Constitution, because we have chosen & eacute; port in s & eacute; indispensable values ​​such as l & rsquo; & agrave equality and freedom;, will inspire and engage those who devote themselves to others or receive from others to represent them in the choices, big or small they are.Building a community & agrave; of free and equal citizens & egrave; certainly a bold goal for all, but not impossible.

The President, Antonella Allegrino